
  • Mr.Cyril Quadros

    Mr.Cyril Quadros

    Founder Trustee

    Mr. Cyril Quadros hailing from Padubelle, currently residing at Bantakal is a successful entrepreneur and a dedicated social worker.

    He holds a Master’s degree in political science from the University of Bangalore.

    Being the proprietor of Cyril Construction Company, has successfully taken up construction projects in Udupi, Mangalore, Bangalore and even outside Karnataka

    Being very active in social work, he held several key positions in various organizations

    ·         Founder president of Rotary club, Shankareapura.

    ·         Founder president of Lions club, Bantakal

    ·         Founder president of catholic Sabha, Pamboor Unit

    ·         Vice president, Secretary of parish council, Holy cross church, Pamboor